Telefonische Unterstützung und Beratung unter:
Mo-Do 09:00 – 12:00 Uhr und 12:30 – 17:00 Uhr
Fr 09:00 – 12:00 Uhr und 12:30 – 16:00 Uhr
At Escapure, we make it a point not to waste anything, so we always check which products sell more and which sell less. As soon as we notice that certain product sizes are increasingly left over, we prefer to remove them from the assortment, because we do not want to risk that our high-quality dog food exceeds the expiration date and we have to throw it away.
"Basically, we can tell you that our food is divided into complete food (dry and wet food) and complementary food (treats, chews and supplements). Our supplementary food is therefore in no way a substitute for a full meal. The same applies to our pure meat wet food: this is also not sufficient for your dog as a complete meal. Every pet is special and has its own habits and preferences when it comes to food. The amount of food should be adapted accordingly to your four-legged friend. Several factors play a role, for example, the size and weight, age and activity of your dog or cat. If you are unsure about the amount of food, you can easily find it in our food explorer. Just watch carefully how your pet reacts to their food and you'll see what's right for them! "Jeder Vierbeiner ist besonders und hat seine eigenen Gewohnheiten und Vorlieben, wenn es zum Futter kommt. Die Futtermenge sollte dementsprechend an deine Fellnase angepasst sein. Dabei spielen mehrere Faktoren eine Rolle, zum Beispiel die Größe und das Gewicht, das Alter sowie die Aktivität deines Hundes oder deiner Katze. Solltest du dir unsicher bei der Futtermenge sein, kannst du diese ganz einfach bei unserem Futterexplorer ausfindig machen. Beobachte einfach aufmerksam, wie dein Liebling auf seine Tiernahrung reagiert, dann wirst du von ganz alleine bemerken, was das Richtige ist!
If possible, we source our raw material from the region, otherwise we resort to EU-certified suppliers.
Escapure differs from other pet food producers by providing the highest quality and our honesty towards our customers. All our products are free of grains, additives as well as artificial flavors and are produced in Germany in human-grade quality. We source our ingredients from regional traders whenever possible, using only the best ingredients. With the addition of the remaining nutritious ingredients, we create a flavorful product that enhances the well-being of your dog and cat. All contents are fully declared on our products, so you can always check what you are feeding your pet.
Ja, Escapure bietet Proben und Probepakete an. Entdecke hier vielfältige Köstlichkeiten für deinen Hund und deine Katze!
"Our dry food contains a fruit, vegetable and herbal mixture consisting of: 30% apple, 25% carrot, 20% parsnip, 5% parsley, 5% lovage, 5% rosemary, 5% thyme and 5% chamomile. In our organic wet food we use an organic herbal mixture of 1/3 savory, 1/3 chamomile flowers and 1/3 birch leaves."In unserem Bio Nassfutter verwenden wir eine Bio Kräutermischung aus 1/3 Bohnenkraut, 1/3 Kamillenblüten und 1/3 Birkenblättern.
"As a rule, dogs are in the main growth phase up to an age of 6 to 8 months and therefore have increased energy and nutrient requirements. However, strong breed differences can be observed. While small breed dogs are already close to their final size at 6 months of age, large breed dogs grow up to 12 months, and giant breeds even beyond that. Small breeds (final weight < 10 kg) should therefore be fed puppy food until 6 months of age, medium breeds (final weight < 20 kg) until 8 months of age and large breeds (final weight > 20 kg) until 12 months of age. Since energy requirements can vary greatly from individual to individual, it is advisable in this context to keep a growth chart and to adjust the daily feeding amount on the basis of this. After the periods mentioned above, it is then possible to switch to feed for adult animals. The aging process is also strongly breed-dependent. Large breeds are considered seniors from the age of 8, while small and medium-sized breeds are not considered older dogs until the age of 10, with resulting changes in nutritional requirements. Since there are not the strong breed differences in appearance and body weight as in dogs, the recommendations here are more uniform: At the age of about half a year, the young cat has reached ~ 75% of its final body weight and should receive mandatory kitten food until then. After that, kitten food can be continued without any problems until the final weight is reached and the musculoskeletal system is fully developed at 12 months of age. But also a gradual change to adult food from the 8th month of life is possible, if it is a high-quality complete food. From an age of 10 to 12 years, cats are considered seniors and should then receive an energy and nutrient adapted food. "Das es bei Katzen nicht die starken Rasseunterschiede in Bezug auf Erscheinungsbild und Körpergewicht wie beim Hund gibt, sind hier die Empfehlungen einheitlicher: Im Alter von ca. einem halben Jahr hat die junge Katze ~ 75% ihres Endkörpergewichts erreicht und sollte bis dahin zwingend Kittenfutter erhalten. Danach kann probemlos bis zum Erreichen des Endgewichts und der vollständigen Ausbildung des Bewegungsapparats mit 12 Monaten Kittenfutter weitergefüttert werden. Aber auch eine schrittweise Umstellung auf Adultfutter ab dem 8. Lebensmonat ist möglich, wenn es sich um hochwertige Alleinfuttermittel handelt. Ab einem Alter von 10 bis 12 Jahren gelten Katzen als Senioren und sollten dann ein energie- und nährstoffangepasstes Futter erhalten. "Ein zu geringes Gewicht zeigt sich bei kurzhaarigen Tieren in deutlich sichtbaren Rippen, Rückenwirbeln und Beckenknochen. Bei langhaarigen Tieren stehen diese Knochenpunkt deutlich heraus. Es ist kein Körperfett sicht- oder tastbar. Auch die Muskelmasse ist in diesem Zusammenhang deutlich reduziert.
"A rough indication of the nutritional status of one's own animal can be obtained by comparing the current body weight with that of other breed representatives. However, the body weight is also subject to individual fluctuations - for example, muscles weigh more than fatty tissue and a look at the scales can possibly indicate a too high body weight, although the animal in question is only in a good physical training condition. A visual assessment is therefore more suitable, especially for short-haired animals. Thus, when standing, one should be able to recognize a belly line drawn up to the rear in the side view as well as a waist retraction behind the ribcage in the top view. The so-called Body Condition Score (BCS), which can be used to assess the nutritional condition of one's own animal on the basis of visual examples, offers good clues for the assessment. The Internet provides a variety of these assessment charts. With long-haired animals, the purely visual assessment is often more difficult. Here one can take instead a tactile finding to the assistance. The ribs should be easily palpable and not hidden under a layer of fat. You should be able to feel them even when you lay your hand on them without applying pressure. The spinous processes of the spine and the bumps of the pelvic bone also provide a clue. It should be noted in this context, however, that the palpability of the spine is also strongly dependent on its degree of muscularity, and a spine that is easy to palpate may not necessarily indicate insufficient body weight, but also insufficient development of the long muscles of the back. In short-haired animals, insufficient weight is indicated by clearly visible ribs, dorsal vertebrae and pelvic bones. In long-haired animals, these bone points protrude clearly. No body fat is visible or palpable. Muscle mass is also clearly reduced in this context. "Ein zu geringes Gewicht zeigt sich bei kurzhaarigen Tieren in deutlich sichtbaren Rippen, Rückenwirbeln und Beckenknochen. Bei langhaarigen Tieren stehen diese Knochenpunkt deutlich heraus. Es ist kein Körperfett sicht- oder tastbar. Auch die Muskelmasse ist in diesem Zusammenhang deutlich reduziert.
"You have found the perfect dog food at Escpure and want to feed it to your pet permanently? Then take out a dog food subscription and you will receive the desired product monthly in sufficient quantity, without having to remember to go online to order it every time. This will not only save you money, but you will also be prioritized in the shipment due to the certainty of planning. You can cancel the food subscription monthly or adjust it if you go on vacation, for example. Sign up here (LINK)"Schließe hier ein Escapure Futterabo ab, alles mit einem Klick in deinem Kundenbereich.
Our wet food is packed airtight in cans and then heated to 100 degrees Celsius, so it is bacteria-free and has a long shelf life.
In case of a complaint due to quality defects, we apologize in advance! Please send us a picture of the item with the batch number to [email protected] and describe the defects so that we can check your case. You will get your money back from us and we will also pay for the shipping costs.
If you want to return an item, it must be unopened and undamaged. If this is the case, you can send it back to our shipping center (Oberflattig 6 in 99718 Clingen). Once we have received the item, you will be refunded. However, you have to pay for the shipping costs.
The requirement to become an Escapure retailer is that you have a trade or small business. If this is the case, you can fill out and submit the linked registration form. (LINK)
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